Delete The Divide is an initiative led by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Its mission is to empower youth and small businesses in underserved communities who are disproportionately affected by the digital divide. Through this, small businesses gain access to a range of resources, including traning and support, networking opportunities, and valuable assistance in expanding their online presence. This support covers everything from website development to harnessing the potential of social media and e-commerce platforms.
Businesses can receive the following free services through Delete The Divide:
Free assessment with recommendations and solutions on how to help grow sales.
Get a logo designed from scratch, or an update to your current logo, and a style guide.
Get a free e-commerce website or improve your current website.
Get business listings on platforms like Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Instagram.
Close to 200 businesses demonstrated strong interest in the program, initiating the application process. These applicants underwent a meticulous selection process, which involved assessment reports and consultations, leading to the careful selection of 25 participants who ultimately received the comprehensive range of services offered through Delete The Divide.