Adding Admins to your FB Page

Adding admins to your facebook allows you to spread responsibility of page management. This is essential for businesses with in house marketing teams, outsourced digital marketing agencies, and anyone who would like a fresh perspective in general. Two heads are better than one. Here we will explain how to add an admin to your Facebook page:

If you are looking for how to create a facebook page, check out this other blog.

Adding an Admin to your Page

  1. Start at the News Feed. Select Pages in the menu to the left.
  2. Find your page and click on Page Settings  in the lower left part of the page.
  3. Select Page Roles.

4. Insert the desired name into the text box. It helps you find accounts if you have already added the person as a friend on facebook.

5. Select Editor and choose from the options in the drop down menu.

6. Select add. Put in your password, and the new person will be added!

If you are not friends with the person you wish to add, they will have to accept your invite before they can help you manage the page.

Removing Users from your FB Page

You must already be an Admin:

  1. Start at the News Feed. Select Pages in the menu to the left.
  2. Find your page and click on Page Settings  in the lower left part of the page.
  3. Select Page Roles.
  4. Select edit to the side of the person you want to remove from the page, and then select remove.
  5. Select Confirm. Facebook may ask you for your password.

If you are the only admin you will not be able to remove yourself from the page unless you have added a new admin. Other admins may have to approve your request to be removed.

Change Someone’s Role

You must already be an admin:

  1. Start at the News Feed. Select Pages in the menu to the left.
  2. Find your page and click on Page Settings  in the lower left part of the page.
  3. Select Page Roles.
  4. Select edit to the side of the person whose role you want to modify, choose a new role from the menu.
  5. Select save. Facebook may ask you for your password.

New admins must wait at least 7 days before being able to remove or edit other admins.


Utilizing these resources are essential for fully optimizing your facebook pages. Manage your page, add and remove whoever necessary, and promote and demote as you see fit. Adding admins is necessary for outsourced marketing.

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